Student Research Day is an annual event to feature the work of on-campus and online undergraduate and graduate students, and for the campus to celebrate their achievements.
Student presentations included independent scholarship from courses, independent studies, summer research programs, Honors Program projects and creative endeavors. Honors Program students also have the option to present at the Mid-East Honors Association (MEHA) Conference. Student Research Day held this year’s event on April 7.
The annual Student Showcase included works of art from students in the 2022 summer and fall semesters, 2023 spring semester, and Senior Capstone exhibits.
Merit monetary awards are given annually. Award winners received $150 for first place, $100 for second, and $75 for third. Funding provided for by the Office of Academic Affairs.
Winners this year were:
Oral Presentation Competition
- First Place: John Sun, history major, Gig Harbor, Washington, “John Adams: Defending Enemies, Dodging Controversies, Setting Precedents.”
- Second Place: Kelsey James, Spanish major, Brookville, Indiana, “El Tratado de Gaudalupe Hidalgo: Los Efectos.”
- Third Place: Thomas Davis, Spanish major, Fishers, Indiana, “The Disappearance of Lleísmo in Andean Spanish Showcased Through La Boca Del Lobo.”
Poster Presentation Competition
- First Place: Sarah Hoffman, English major, Salisbury, North Carolina, “Romanticism in Literature, Art, and Music as a Reaction to the French Revolution.”
- Second Place: Jamie Andrews, social work major, Fountain City, Indiana, “Straying from Binaries in M. Butterfly.”
- Third Place: Jessica Hale, Master of English graduate student, Suttons Bay, Michigan, “The Spins.”
Honors Thesis Competition
- First Place: Collin Kriegbaum, psychology major, Richmond, Indiana, “Parasocial Interaction and the Dass 21 Inventory.”
- Second Place: Tristan Finney, psychology major, New Paris, Ohio, “Pathological Liars: A Secondary Analysis to the Negative Effects of Families and Close Relationships.”
- Third Place: Sidne Thompson, nursing major, Richmond, Indiana, “The Impact of Natural Disasters on Children and Adolescents.”