As part of the worldwide effort to understand and contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Indiana University’s Jetstream, which offers cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resources within the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), is fast-tracking projects that respond to the crisis.
Through the COVID-19 HPC Consortium, Jetstream will provide vital high-performance computing resources. Specifically, priority use of IU’s Jetstream cloud system for analysis of the virus and searches for cures and vaccines. Jetstream offers cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resources, in support of research related to COVID-19.
By making these resources available at no cost to scientists, the consortium hopes to support the development of new treatments to aid people who have contracted the virus and to limit its spread.
Jetstream is proud to be part of the COVID-19 HPC Consortium, putting the power of our collective resources into the hands of scientists who can use them to respond to this unprecedented crisis.
David Y. Hancock, director of advanced cyberinfrastructure at IU and Jetstream P.I.
Why use Jetstream? “What’s unique about Jetstream is that it is cloud infrastructure. Our hardware is essentially the same as you would see in any compute cluster, but instead of running batch jobs we’re hosting virtual infrastructure,” said Jetstream Chief Architect, George Turner. “This virtualized infrastructure, combined with a high degree of redundancy in the underlying hardware and services architecture, allows Jetstream to maintain an uptime availability to users of greater than 99%.”
About Jetstream. Jetstream is co-located at Indiana University and the Texas Advanced Computing Center. Jetstream is supported by NSF award #1445604. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.