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UITS Monitor: Help us help our bot

Monitor newsletter Nov 19, 2020
Help us help our bot. Interact with our new chatbot and make it smarter.

UITS news for November 19, 2020

Help us help our bot

Pepper our new chatbot with questions about technology and help make it smarter.

Our new chatbot, the Ask UITS Virtual Assistant, is in its beta phase. This means it is still learning, and we’d like your help in making it smarter.

Our friendly little bot uses artificial intelligence to find the best answers to your tech support questions. The only way it learns is by having lots of questions thrown its way. With feedback from actual humans, the bot begins to refine its answers and gets smarter every day.

So, go ahead—ask some questions. Because it’s a beta experience, you’ll get some wrong answers. That’s OK. Training data like that builds our bot’s brain. After giving an answer, the bot will ask “Did I help?” Feedback is simple: just click the smiley or frowny face.

Already interacted with the bot? Complete this survey to give us feedback. 

Click here to chat with our new bot

Thanksgiving week Support Center hours

Don’t worry. The help you need will still be available.

UITS Support Center hours will change during Thanksgiving week, Nov. 22-28. Check your campus for walk-in support hours and locations.  

Despite reduced in-person hours, phone, email, and chat support will be available 24/7, as usual. During closings, phone calls will route to the UITS Contact Center for an answering service. Use this contact information on an ongoing basis.

Thanksgiving week Support Center hours

Box group migration continues

Once your files are migrated, don’t create any new Box documents.

Box group files continue their migration to Microsoft or Google storage. Once your files are moved, you are urged not to create new documents in your personal, group, organizational, or BEDA Box account. They will not be migrated again, and you will lose that data when IU’s contract with Box expires.

Meanwhile, take a webinar or watch a recording by the UITS IT Training experts and get familiar with Microsoft and Google storage.

Sign up for an IT training webinar

Deadline looming for Zoom security update

Zoom at IU security settings are changing Dec. 21.

Waiting rooms will be the default settings for Zoom at IU meetings as of Dec. 21. However, users who are logged in with their Zoom at IU accounts will be able to bypass the waiting room, which is especially useful for larger classes and groups. This bypass setting can be adjusted for situations such as appointments or other private meetings, and hosts have the ability to remove the waiting room entirely.

Participants from outside IU will still need to be individually admitted. Passcodes can also be added for increased meeting security.

Please check the waiting room settings for any meetings you have scheduled through Dec. 21 to ensure users can be admitted in the manner in which you prefer.

Learn more about Zoom waiting rooms

Dell’s biggest sale of the year

Dell Black Friday offers are live.

Dell holiday event sales are underway.

  • Nov. 16—Main savings event begins with standing offers and doorbusters
  • Nov. 26—Thanksgiving hourly doorbusters launch from 1 to 10pm
  • Nov. 27—Black Friday hourly doorbusters launch from 8am to 10pm
  • Nov. 29—Cyber Monday sales begin at 6am ET on Sunday, Nov. 29

Shop early. Doorbusters are first come, first serve and limited in quantity.

Go to Dell/IU discounts

Need conflict-resolution tips ahead of the holidays?

Free workshop offers tools you need for work and home.

Conflict is all around us. It is not something that can or should be avoided. Unfortunately, many people are ill-equipped to manage conflict. This session will delve into methods of conflict resolution and tools for handling conflict management/resolution.

When: Thursday, Dec. 3, 9:30-11am ET 
Where: Zoom details sent after registration

The workshop is sponsored by the IT Leadership Community. Tiffany Lemons, a senior organization development consultant for IU Human Resources, is the presenter.

Register for conflict resolution workshop

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