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Apply to IU Kokomo for free during College Go! Week

Sep 17, 2021
five people pose for a picture with the words apply for free
five people pose for a picture with the words apply for free

KOKOMO, Ind. – As part of a statewide effort to increase the number of Hoosiers with bachelor’s degrees, Indiana University Kokomo will waive its $35 application fee from Sunday, September 19, to Sunday, September 26.

Angela Siders, assistant vice chancellor of enrollment management, encouraged students to apply to IU Kokomo by December 1 for fall 2022, for maximum scholarship consideration. Potential students should use the code KOCOLLGO.

“College Go! Week is a national initiative that aims to increase the number of first-generation and low income students who pursue education after high school,” Siders said. “The purpose of the designated week is to help high school seniors navigate the college admissions process, and make sure every student submits at least one application.”

Siders suggested students schedule a personal visit to campus or plan to attend a Visit in Person (VIP) day, at Fall semester VIP days are September 17, October 15, and November 12. Personal visits are available Monday through Friday.

She said now is a great time to be an IU Kokomo Cougar, with the return of Kokomo Experience and You (KEY) travel, and in-person athletics and activities.

After a hiatus in 2020, the Kokomo Experience and You (KEY) Program is back on the road, with planned destinations that include Nashville, Chicago, Yellowstone National Park, and Prince Edward Island, Canada. These are not tourist trips, but will include hands-on educational experiences, such as learning about the complexities of managing the people and wildlife impacted by public land at Yellowstone, and visiting the Chicago Board of Trade. Travel experience are usually offered free or at low-cost.

The campus’s 14 athletic teams have full schedules planned for the school year, and games and matches open for the public to attend. Fall sports, which include women’s soccer, women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s golf, and women’s tennis, are underway, with the volleyball team beginning its season ranked 24th in the NAIA.

Student organizations have returned to in-person events as well, with upcoming events including inflatable golf, a movie night at the Earth Stage, and squirt gun tie-dye.

The campus is one of 13 in Indiana offering the incentive as part of National College Application Week, part of Learn More Indiana’s annual College Go! Initiative, which provides information and resources to help students K-12 explore and plan for education beyond high school.

College Application Week is sponsored in partnership by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) and the American College Application Campaign. ICHE plans, coordinates and defines Indiana’s postsecondary education system to align higher learning with the needs of students and the state. The Commission also administers Indiana’s financial aid programs, including the 21st Century Scholars early college promise scholarship, which celebrated 30 years in 2020.

Education is KEY at Indiana University Kokomo.

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