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7 tips for being an IUPUI super-fan

Sep 4, 2019
Students cheering on the Jags to victory at a men's basketball game.
Join The Prowl – the official student section at IUPUI – to cheer on our Jags to victory all season long.Photo by Liz Kaye, Indiana University

Show your Jaguar pride and ROAR with IUPUI Athletics. With 18 NCAA Division I varsity sports, there’s a team you can get behind. Our swimming and diving teams make a splash in the world-class IU Natatorium, our men’s basketball team competes at the Indiana Farmers Coliseum, and our soccer teams compete at the on-campus Michael A. Carroll Stadium.

Whether you’re a new or seasoned Jag fan, we’ve compiled some pointers on how to really roar this year.

Tip 1: Unleash your Jag spirit at the SAPB Spirit Night at tomorrow’s (Sept. 5) women’s soccer match, 7 p.m. at Carroll Stadium. IUPUI students get in free.

Tip 2: Speaking of free – all IUPUI Athletics events have free admission for IUPUI students. Yes, free. Show your CrimsonCard. Walk in. Get loud.

Tip 3: Join The Prowl – the official student section – for home games. Dress up. Make signs. Roar loud and proud.

Tip 4: Use a home event for any sport as a callout for your student organization. Share information about your club and cheer on the Jags to victory. Win-win.

Tip 5: Go wild for the themed nights and participate in the halftime contests during basketball season. Free shuttles are provided from campus to the Coliseum and back for all men’s home games. It’s as easy as that.

Tip 6: Mark your calendar for the Red-White Scrimmage in The Jungle. It’s tentatively scheduled for Monday, Oct. 28. More details are to come.

Tip 7: Stay connected so you never miss a thing. Follow @IUPUIJaguars on Twitter, @iupui_jaguars on Instagram and @IUPUIAthletics on Facebook.

IUPUI is a proud member of the Horizon League. Last year alone, the Jaguars knocked off teams from Boston College, Memphis, Michigan State and Ole Miss in a variety of sports.

Description of the following video:

[Video: Close-up on Drew the Intern standing in front of the goal and donning soccer goalkeeper gloves]

[Title appears in upper-left corner: IUPUI presents]

[Music: Friendly acoustic music begins]

[Video: Drew has the gloves on and is ready to play some soccer. He makes boxing motions toward the camera, claps rapidly and punches one hand into the other.]

[Title appears: Drew the Intern, IU Communications Studio]

[Video: A closeup of a soccer ball – an orange cleat stomps on it menacingly.]

[Sound: A boom and record scratching is heard.]

[Video: Three players from the IUPUI women’s soccer team stand on the field, looking tough. The camera zooms in on each player as they are introduced]

[Music: Booming, aggressive electronic music kicks in.]

[Title appears: Valentine Pursey, Forward, junior]

[Title appears: Miranda Ricks, Forward, junior]

[Title appears: Maya Lacognato, Forward, freshman]

[Video: Drew stands in the goal ready for penalty kicks]

[Video: The three players unload several PKs on poor Drew.]

[Video: Drew flails around the goal trying to make the saves. He gets up and talks.]

[Drew speaks: Oh, it was incredible. They’ve got a great group of athletes out here, and I mean, I’m drenched in sweat just after a handful of kicks. You should come out and support the IUPUI women’s soccer team, Sept. 5, Thursday, against Eastern Kentucky here at Carroll Stadium at 7 o’clock.]

[Red box with white lettering appears in upper left: Women’s soccer vs. Eastern Kentucky, 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, at Carroll Stadium]

[Screen goes to black]

[Title appears: IU trident, IUPUI,]

[Video: Lacognato rings a kick off the post, and Drew celebrates.]

[Drew speaks: Blocked one!]

[End of transcript]

Intern Drew in soccer video.

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