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Love letters to campus

Feb 12, 2020

Description of the following video:

[Video: Chancellor Paydar walks into the University Writing Center and approaches the front desk, where a male student sits waiting.]

Chancellor Paydar speaks: Hi. I need help with a letter. This Valentine’s Day, I want to tell IUPUI exactly how I feel.

[Video: The camera angle changes to show a male student sitting at the front desk of the writing center.]

Student at the front desk nods and speaks: Welcome. We can help you with that.

Chancellor Paydar speaks: Thank you.

[Video: The student gestures to Marilee Brooks-Gillies, director of the writing center.]

Student at the front desk speaks: Marilee? 

[Video: Chancellor Paydar and Marilee, assistant professor of English and director of the University Writing Center, shake hands before walking to a nearby table.]

Marilee speaks: So nice to see you. Thank you for coming to the writing center today.

Chancellor Paydar speaks: Thank you so much, I’m looking forward to this.

Marilee speaks: Me too! Yes!

[Video: Chancellor Paydar and Marilee sit down at the table.]

Marilee speaks: I have two main pieces of writing advice for you. The first is to always find a reader. A reader will help you flesh out your ideas, listen to your concerns, and really help you make the strongest piece of writing you can. The second piece of advice is to not feel too silly about what you are trying to write. Sometimes it can be hard to express yourself, and so not being nervous and just putting it all out there on paper is a really great way to start ,and then you can always revise.

[Video: Chancellor Paydar nods thoughtfully as Marilee speaks.]

Chancellor Paydar speaks: Very good. I now know what to write.

Marilee speaks: Wonderful!

[Video: The camera slowly pans over Chancellor Paydar as he begins to type on his laptop. A closeup of the screen shows him typing out ‘Dear IUPUI.’ It then quickly cuts to an aerial shot of campus.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: February 14, 2020. Dear IUPUI, No matter the season, my office has one of the best views of campus.

[Video: The camera changes to an aerial shot of campus. It’s a beautiful summer day. The camera cuts to a new clip of IUPUI students carrying boxes into a residence hall.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: On quiet summer days, I look out my window and see future Jaguars here with their families, getting ready to start their journeys.

[Video: The camera slowly pans over an autumn leaf. An aerial shot shows the campus in autumn, when the leaves are red and orange. The camera quickly pans over Chancellor Paydar’s hands as he types on the laptop.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: In the autumn, as the leaves turn, the crisp air is filled with Jaguar energy, which fills my heart with joy.

[Video: The camera slowly pans over campus on a winter day. The ground is covered in snow. It switches to a closeup of the snow rapidly falling. The image switches again, this time showing a group of students studying in the library.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: As the weather turns cold, peaceful snow covers campus like a blanket, comforting students as they prepare for finals with hard work and determination.

[Video: The camera slowly pans over the blooming magnolia trees on a beautiful spring day. It quickly switches to a shot of a student in a graduation cap getting a selfie with Chancellor Paydar. It then shows Chancellor Paydar posing with a group of students in their caps and gowns. The final shot shows two students in their caps and gowns waving to the camera.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: In spring, as the magnolia trees blossom, I look forward to seeing graduates in caps and gowns on campus, ready to make a positive difference.

[Video: Chancellor Paydar clicks Print, picks up the finished letter from a nearby printer and then signs the letter.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: I love you, IUPUI. You are truly a beautiful campus. You – the Jaguars who call IUPUI home – mean everything to me.

[Video: Chancellor Paydar folds the letter, places it in an envelope, addresses it to IUPUI and places it in his pocket.]

Chancellor Paydar narrates: Sincerely, Nasser H. Paydar, Chancellor. PS. Just so you know, IUPUI, my wife Niloo, my sons, and my dog Meeko will always be my first loves.

[Video: Chancellor Paydar waves goodbye to the student at the front desk and walks out of the writing center.]

Chancellor Paydar speaks: Thank you!

Student at the front desk speaks: Have a great day!

[Video: The screen cuts to black and the IUPUI logo appears on the screen along with the website URL:]

While there might not be an exchange of flowers and chocolate for Valentine’s Day, there’s plenty of love for IUPUI, its sprawling campus, and the students and staff that make up the university.

Being a Jaguar means something similar yet uniquely different to everyone who is part of campus. We prompted stakeholders across the campus with a simple question: “What do you love about IUPUI?”

Nasser H. Paydar

IUPUI chancellor

“No matter the season, my office has one of the best views of campus. On quiet summer days, I look out my window and see future Jaguars here with their families getting ready to start their journeys. In the autumn as the leaves turn and the crisp air is filled with Jaguar energy, it fills my heart with joy. As the weather turns cold, peaceful snow covers the campus like a blanket, comforting students as they prepare for finals with hard work and determination. In spring, as the magnolia trees blossom, I look forward to seeing graduates in caps and gowns on campus ready to make a positive difference. I love you, IUPUI – you’re truly a beautiful campus. You and the Jaguars who call IUPUI home mean everything to me.”

Roderick Perry

IUPUI director of athletics

“In just more than four years at IUPUI, I’ve truly fallen in love with the people of Indianapolis and our beautiful campus. We’ve continually built and strengthened community and campus partnerships and are focused on performing at the highest level possible. Our goal is to continue to push the limits and make IUPUI the best university it can be, on a local and national scale!”

Rafael Bahamonde

Founding dean, School of Health and Human Sciences

“It’s all about location, location, location! No other Indiana-based university has the resources and opportunities found within walking distance of our campus: major hospitals, professional and amateur sports organizations, governmental entities, clinical practice sites, professional schools, and more. As a result, real-world-based student engagement and career development opportunities are unparalleled, and that’s why I love IUPUI.”

Etta Ward

IUPUI assistant vice chancellor for research and development

“What I love most about IUPUI is its pervasive culture of mentorship in support of student academic success, staff professional development and faculty advancement through innovation and creativity. I regularly benefit from varying levels of mentorship and am afforded the privilege and opportunity to pay it forward by mentoring others in return.”

A view of the IUPUI Shreve Gateway
Looking out the windows of the University Library.

Photos by Liz Kaye, Indiana University

Jessica Davis

Director of IUPUI sustainability

“I love IUPUI for its community of people who are always ready to question boldly, think creatively and act collaboratively to solve big problems. The IUPUI Sustainability team would not be successful without our many friends across campus who have been so willing to work alongside us and seriously explore how to solve problems others might say are impossible to fix. With their help, we’re claiming IUPUI’s spot as an innovator and a leader in sustainability – in Indiana and beyond.”

Kim Hodges

Director of development, Herron School of Art and Design

“As a gift officer of Herron School of Art and Design, I absolutely love bringing together the school’s scholarship recipients and the donors who make the support possible. There is no better feeling than knowing you’ve been a part of philanthropy in action.”

Mary McClung

Adjunct instructor of elective arts, Herron School of Art and Design

“As a nontraditional student at IUPUI and Herron School of Art and Design, I was surprised and grateful for the total acceptance, support and friendships I found all across campus. Professors, staff, organizations and fellow students made my IUPUI experience exceptional. My education was world-class, and it set me on the path of the most rewarding career I could ask for!”


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