EDITOR’S NOTE: IUPUI JagLine will continue services in spring 2021 with the same safety measures put in place for fall 2020. For information about routes and schedules, visit the Parking and Transportation Services website.
As IUPUI Jaguars return for the fall semester, they’ll be expected to wear masks everywhere – including when riding JagLine, the free shuttle system providing service to and around campus. The drivers will also be masked up, and hand-sanitizing stations will be available on every shuttle to help protect all those who ride.
“We’re looking forward to transporting Jags safely throughout the IUPUI campus,” said Andrew McGee, associate director of parking and transportation services.
Routes will be running just as frequently as in the past, McGee said, allowing passengers to catch most shuttles within 10 to 15 minutes. “We have six routes available to move you between the main and north campuses and nearby dining locations and medical facilities. Our Route-5 Purple Line also connects to IndyGo’s Red Line.”
Also important, McGee added: “The shuttles are being sanitized and disinfected daily.”
In each shuttle, the seat behind the driver has been removed to allow for more distance between the driver and passengers. There will also be no standing room allowed on the JagLine to help riders keep additional distance.
Interested in jumping on the JagLine? You can download the JagLine app for free from the Apple App Store and the Google Play store at any time; it allows riders to plan ahead and watch shuttle routes in real time. Find more information on the Parking and Transportation Services website.
Visit Parking and Transportation Services’ Start of School page for information on where to park and other services available.
Fall 2020
Indiana University is looking forward to welcoming students, faculty and staff to the fall semester. The university has provided safety guidelines, an academic calendar, FAQs and campus-specific guidance for move-in, testing, teaching and learning at fall2020.iu.edu.