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Alumnus Rahul Shrivastav to lead IU Bloomington campus as executive vice president and provost

For Immediate Release Dec 17, 2021

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Indiana University’s flagship campus will welcome a new leader Feb. 15, as alumnus Rahul Shrivastav assumes the role of executive vice president and IU Bloomington provost, pending the approval of the IU Board of Trustees.

The provost serves as the chief academic officer for the IU Bloomington campus community of more than 45,000 students, 2,400 faculty and 5,700 staff. The provost provides academic leadership and support for faculty and student initiatives that enhance education, research and creative activity. The provost role was previously held by Lauren Robel, who stepped down in June, with John Applegate serving in an interim capacity during the national search.

“Rahul brings a wealth of related expertise, including extensive experience in student services, instruction and research, as well as community service and outreach,” IU President Pamela Whitten said. “Rahul’s experience, abilities and energy will prove critical in providing the vision and momentum for a successful and welcoming campus.”

In addition to his executive leadership role, Shrivastav will also have a faculty appointment in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences.

“We were fortunate to have five superb finalists, and Rahul stood out for his deep connection to the Bloomington campus community, his clear insights into our opportunities and practical steps for achieving them, and his collaborative, accessible style,” said Fred Cate, Distinguished Professor, IU vice president for research and search committee chair.

Distinguished Rudy Professor of Music Marietta Simpson, president of the Bloomington Faculty Council, served on the search committee and noted the legacy of strong leadership at IU that Shrivastav will continue.

“Today as we welcome our newly appointed provost, we look forward to building upon that legacy with him, while strengthening our commitments to research excellence, shared governance, academic freedom and student success,” she said. “I am sure the faculty will join me in supporting him as he charts a bold and visionary plan for the bright future of IU Bloomington.”

Shrivastav received his doctoral degree in speech and hearing sciences, with a minor in cognitive sciences, from Indiana University. His undergraduate and graduate training are in speech and hearing sciences from the University of Mysore, India.

Shrivastav currently serves as vice president for instruction at the University of Georgia. In that role, he oversees enrollment management, student success initiatives, academic affairs and instructional infrastructure, as well as student and faculty support services.

Before joining the University of Georgia, Shrivastav served as professor and chair of the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders and directed the Voice and Speech Laboratory at Michigan State University. The National Academy of Inventors elected him as a fellow in 2020.

His research is focused on speech perception abilities as well as speech production deficits in people with various diseases.

“IU’s excellent faculty, staff and students, coupled with President Whitten’s ambitious vision and high energy, will continue to keep IU as a leader in higher education,” Shrivastav said. “It is an honor to return to the very school that helped me accomplish so much. I am excited to be a part of IU’s continued success.”

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