BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – As the next important step to address the broad array of issues affecting Indiana University Bloomington’s graduate students, Provost Rahul Shrivastav has directed Vice Provost for Graduate Education David Daleke and the Bloomington Faculty Council Executive Committee to jointly form a task force on the future of graduate education on campus.
The committee will develop a comprehensive analysis of graduate and professional education at IU Bloomington, craft a vision for the ideal graduate experience, and make recommendations for both short- and long-term actions.
In his two months as provost, Shrivastav has had more than 15 meetings with graduate and professional students across the campus to hear about their experiences at IU.
“I have been moved by the very personal challenges and triumphs – both inside the classroom and out – our graduate and professional students have shared with me,” he said. “I have also heard loud and clear that our student academic appointee positions continue to need study and attention. Now is the time to reimagine the kind of graduate education we want our students to experience. This new task force will be a key in this planning.”
Daleke will chair the yearlong task force, which will be overseen by a small core committee of faculty members and a graduate student representative. The core committee will organize a number of working groups that will include representatives from the Graduate and Professional Student Government, Bloomington Faculty Council, policy and curriculum committee members from the College of Arts and Sciences and schools, and staff and administrators in relevant departments. Working groups will likely cover topics such as student support services, health and wellness, student academic appointee positions, financial aid, and interdisciplinary education.
“With this task force, I’m signaling to our faculty and graduate students that I am committed to continuing to make improvements and allowing graduate students to have a seat at the table in order to continue to attract the best graduate students in the nation and from around the world to Indiana University,” Shrivastav said. “I thank all of the students and faculty who have already shared their thoughts with me on these issues and look forward to continuing these discussions through this task force and other means.”
The group will be required to present the provost with a full report on its work and analysis by July 1, 2023. It’s expected that short-term milestones will be achieved before the final report, with first recommendations and action items outlined and presented to Shrivastav before the start of the fall 2022 semester.