The HPSS User Forum (HUF) conference is the primary venue for discussion on High-Performance Storage Systems (HPSS).
This year’s conference is being held in Bloomington, Indiana October 15-17 [optionally October 18]. Save the date! A ½ day will be added on Friday October 18 if enough presentations are accepted. See for more information.
The HUF Planning Committee is seeking presentations for:
- Site perspectives on HPSS upgrade experiences and lessons learned
- Site experiences and examples of methods, tools and products used to manage site/user workload performance including job and tape storage resource scheduling. Workload performance management techniques used to organize data on tape, and to scheduled access to tape volumes and files on tape are of interest.
- Beneficial ways of using cloud storage
- Updates on HPSS monitoring tools
- Scenarios of how end user interfaces use HPSS
- Data curation through the tiers of storage from burst buffers to file system to archive including metadata warehousing/tagging
- Survey of disk cache size and read back/recall ratios as interesting comparisons between sites
- Survey of client utilities
- Diagnostic and troubleshooting guides for tape drives from IBM (and or other vendors)
- Horror stories from sites and how they overcame them
- New projects sites may have in the works
- Data life-cycle management programs implemented. What works and what doesn’t.
Submission guidelines
Create or login using an existing EasyChair account. A brief abstract is all that’s needed for the submission process. Presentation materials will be requested once abstracts are reviewed and selected.
Abstracts should provide a clear description of the planned presentation and its goals.