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UITS Monitor: Think before you click

Monitor newsletter May 20, 2020
Think before you click. Avoid phishing scams.

UITS news for May 20, 2020

Think before you click

Recent phishing attempt prompted dozens to provide IU logins to online scammers.

Dozens of IU faculty and staff recently provided their IU usernames and passphrases to scammers after a phishing email appeared to come from the “IU Payroll Department.” The phishers immediately began using the stolen credentials to access IU systems, causing significant disruption to those affected and the IT staff.

In most cases, IU’s Two-step Login (Duo) authentication system blocked scammer access to Payroll and HR, but a few people approved their Duo login even though it was unexpected, and scammers gained access to IU systems.

A few phishing reminders:

  • Phishers always have bait words to try to invoke a click. Topics such as Payroll, Policy, COVID-19, or Tax Refund are chosen to solicit a rapid action. Slow down to check the source before clicking.
  • Before clicking on links, look for official IU domains before the first slash in the address (,,,, etc.).
  • Look for the [External] email tag in the subject line, or in the message header.
  • Look for the trusted footer on official communications and marketing emails.

Remember: it’s always phishing season, even during a pandemic.

How to avoid phishing

Reminder to view UITS’ Tech Tidbits series

One-minute videos offer tech tips in the era of online learning, teaching, and working.

Students, staff, and UITS’ Frances the animated cat have posted Tech Tidbits videos on YouTube to help you adjust to the new, mostly online world. Find out more about securing your Zoom meetings, using the Support Center, using Kaltura, online yoga, and staying connected.

Visit the UITS Tech Tidbits YouTube playlist

Supercomputing not for you? Think again.

Supercomputing for Everyone June workshops open to IU students, faculty, and staff.

Whether it’s surveys, visualization, analytics, computation, or storage, you may benefit from using IU’s vast supercomputing resources. The Supercomputing for Everyone Series is aimed at bringing more users into the realm of advanced computing. Upcoming June workshops are focused on IU’s Research Electronic Data Capture (IU REDCap):

Getting Started with IU REDCap—covers the basic features to rapidly build and manage secure online databases.

Date: June 2, 2020
Time: 12-2pm

Surveys in IU REDCap—covers the basics of survey design, invites, configuration, response management, and survey queues. Prior understanding of REDCap required.

Date: June 16, 2020
Time: 12-2pm

Learn more

IU’s advanced computing resources available during COVID-19

IU’s high-performance computing tools serve research community, state, nation, and world.

During unprecedented challenges from the pandemic, the Research Technologies (RT) division of UITS is continuing its mission to support and advance research in the state, nation, and world. Reach out to RT for consulting questions, software requests, and advice on utilizing IU’s resources.

For more on HPC support at IU

IU aids virology research

IU’s National Center for Genome Analysis Support facilitates COVID-19 research.

With the advent of COVID-19, IU’s National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS) is making its bioinformatic and genomic resources more available to researchers in the race to unlock the virus’ mysteries. NCGAS is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation.

For more on IU’s virology research

Salesforce Higher Ed Summit to be virtual this summer

Registration is now open for the June 9 conference.

IU is co-hosting Higher Ed Summit Virtual on June 9, 8am-12pm Pacific Standard Time. The conference will explore ways institutions are navigating the new digital landscape and will feature breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and inspiring speakers.

If you have previously registered for this conference, you will need to re-register. Your original registration will not carry over to virtual.   

Register to attend the virtual conference

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