Tim Waters
Maurer School of Law
Expert Bio
Maurer School of Law professor Tim Waters’ scholarly interests include the structure of the inter-state system, ethnic conflict, human rights, transitional justice and comparative law, especially in European and Islamic contexts. His principal research involves re-defining self-determination to devise an effective right of peaceful secession.
He has published extensively in leading journals of international law and international relations, including at Yale, Harvard, NYU, Virginia and George Washington. Waters has served as a consultant on legal system reform for the Open Society Institute, U.N. Development Programme and the Latvian Ministry of Justice, on ethnic discrimination for Human Rights Watch, and as a consultant to the defense on Padilla et al.
He monitored implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords in Bosnia for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal, he helped draft the indictment of Slobodan Milosevic. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Hungary, where he first developed his interest in regulation of minority-majority conflicts.
Areas of Expertise
International law, ethnic conflict, human rights, transitional justice, comparative law.