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IU Bloomington

Jae Chul Lee

Indiana Institute on Disability and Community

Expert Bio

Jae Chul Lee is an associate research scientist and director of the Center for Health Equity. He has led various statewide projects on health disparities and health equity for people with disabilities.

He has examined disparities in health outcomes, health care access, oral health and sexual health for and among people with disabilities, using such complex survey datasets as Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, and National Health Interview Survey, as well as Medicaid claims data.

He received a Ph.D. from Michigan State University, and he completed post-doctoral training at Northwestern University and the National Institutes of Health.

Areas of Expertise

Health disparities for and among people with disabilities, health equity, disability data collection and surveillance, analysis of large-scale population-based survey data and administrative data including Medicaid claims data, disability cultural competence, oral health, intersection of health and employment for people with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation.