Fiona Vonderheide
Hometown: Huntingburg
Major and Minor: Psychology Bachelor of Science, Sociology minor
Activities/Organizations: Psychology Club Co-President, Sociology Club Chair, member, U Bring Change 2 Mind Social Media Coordinator
Why did you choose IU Southeast? It has a tight knit community.
How has IUS helped you to succeed in obtaining your degree? The teachers in the Psychology program want to see you be successful and help you in any way they can.
Did you face any challenges during your college journey and how did IUS help you through this time? Having to work and go to school at the same time and be committed to many different organizations was an ongoing challenge.
What is one thing you are most proud of during your time at IUS? The Feminine Hygiene Drive we hosted through the Psychology Club.
Is there a faculty or staff member who has made a difference in your journey and why? Dr. Adam
What are your plans after graduation? Pursuing my Masters in Mental Health Counseling
Thinking back to your first year at IUS, what advice would you give yourself? Don’t be afraid to ask for help!